Monday, October 22, 2012

Lea Michele Baby Bump? Photos Spark Pregnancy Rumor

OMG! Lea Michele totally might be pregnant!
If you believe that the tiniest of a tummy bulge is a baby bump, that is. The Glee star was spotted Friday with some loose-fitting clothes (left), thus the rumor was born:
  • Lea Michele Baby Bump
  • Lea Michele, Black Dress
Regardless of what people think that they see, it appears to use that Michele's revealing number did not even provide a hint of a baby bump ... so draw your own conclusion.
An appearance two nights later (right) makes this even more clear.
The would-be-non-baby-daddy would presumably be Cory Monteith, which would be totally cool. They're not married, but they would make cute kids.
If and when the time is right, that is. What do you think of the Leah Michele "baby bump" photos? Pregnant? Not pregnant? Share your comments below as always.

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