Friday, September 5, 2008

Omg! Amy Winehouse makes a request for 48 bottles of Jack Daniels for show

Amy Winehouse's rider for Bestival is said to include 48 bottles of Jack Daniel's.

But organisers of this weekend's music festival on the Isle of Wight are apparently reluctant to meet the 24-year-old's reported demands.

'It's common for artists to make requests for food and beverages before they arrive,' a source tells The Sun.

'But organisers have heard Miss Winehouse has ordered in an extremely large amount of Jack Daniel's, in fact, a ridiculous amount that she and her team could not possibly consume during their short stay.

'Everyone is really excited about getting Amy to perform here, and naturally there are now fears she is planning something wild.

'With Amy's record this can mean failure to perform or giving a shambolic performance.

'Whiskey is better than heroin - but not 48 bottles of the stuff.'

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